Welcome To My Site Scrap book

I post some funny conversation or one liner jokes that are originally generated by my brain, that i mostly post directly from my cellphone, so if i'm not post anything for a long period of time, i might be busy saving the world,LOLJK i probably just lazy (^_^)

Fast food

Monday, March 8, 2010

If fast food are bad for you,go and eat snails


Facebook : a place where you can talk to walls and no one think you're crazy


Him:"any slower creature than snails?" me:"dead animal,it didnt move" him:0_0


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Him:"haven't i seen you someplace before?" me:"yes,that's why i don't go there anymore" him:0_0


Him:"tell me one thing that does not sucks in this world!" me:"fan,it blows" him:0_0


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Waiter:"do you have any question about the menu?" him:"are these all food?" waiter:"yes" him:"its so hard to spell,are they easy to swallow?" waiter:0_0

Chuck Norris

Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas.